• Plan of Lwów. Second Edition 2

Plan of Lwów. Second Edition


Ryszard Hubisz
Ryszard Hubisz

On this map of Lviv from 1925, Lviv’s six districts are demarcated along with the suburbs of Kleparov, Zamarstynov, Znesinnya, parts of Kryvchytsi, Kozelnyky, Syhnivka and Bilohorshcha (Levandivka).

The map was created by the E. Romer Cartographic Institute Atlas and printed by Książnica-Atlas in 1925.


  • In the upper right corner is the name: “Map of Lviv, Second Edition” (Plan miasta Lwowa. Wydanie drugie).
  • In the lower right corner is information about the print run: “Książnica-AtlasJoint establishments of cartography and printing T. H. C. B. Stock company Lviv-Warsaw, 1925” (Ksążnica-Atlas. Zjednoczone Zakłady kartograficzne i wydawnicze T. N. S. W. S[półk]a akc.[yjna] Lwów-Warszawa. Wyd. 1925).
  • In the lower left corner is the logo of the company which prepared the map for print: “E. Romer Cartographic Institute Atlas (Instytut kartograficzny prof. E. Romera Atlas).
  • In the lower section of the map is the map’s scale, depicted graphically and fractionally (1: 15 000) with a notation that “the scale does not apply to street widths” (Podziałka 1:15 000. Podziałka nie odnosi się do szerokości ulic).
  • In the lower right section there is an explanation of symbols and abbreviations as well as a list of tram routes (Linje miejskiej kolei elektrycznej).
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