• Plan of Lemberg 2

Plan of Lemberg


Ihor Kotlobulatov
Ihor Kotlobulatov

The present plan shows part of the city territory with suburbs. The southern part of the city is least represented, because the plan's author decided to display the borderlands of the Austrian and the Russian Empires instead of the suburban territories.

The mapsheet exhibits no date of publication. With some exceptions, the graphic execution of the plan reflects the city's urban construction of the early 1860s. The presence of the House of Invalids on the plan permits us to date the plan to no later than 1863. 

Czerner attributes the map to Carl Kummerer (Carl Kummerer Ritter von Kummersberg) [18], c. 175. In 1855, Kummerer published the "Administrative Map of the Kingdoms of Galicia and Lodomeria…" (Administrativ-Karte von den Königreichen Galizien und Lodomerien mit dem Großherzogthume Krakau und den Herzogthümern Auschwitz, Zator und Bukowina) in Vienna. Sheet No. 24 of this map held a plan of Lemberg. 

The plan was printed and multiplied by the Artaria & Co. Publishers in Vienna (Artaria & Compagnie). The firm specialized in publishing and trade in three areas: arts, music and cartography. The company was founded in 1770 in Vienna, by the Italian Giovanni Artarias. In 1775, the company's premises were situated at 9, Kohlmarktin Vienna. [28] s. 30-31. 

In 1920 the Artaria Map Division became part of the Cartographical Establishment of G. Freytag & Berndt (Kartographische Anstalt G. Freytag & Berndt). In 1944 the company was renamed "Freytag-Berndt u. Artaria KG". The company still exists today.


  • At the top of the sheet is the map's name, "Plan of Lemberg" (Plan von Lemberg).
  • The plan's upper right corner holds a legend, which includes 32 objects.
  • The plan's lower right corner bears the insciption "Publication and property of Artaria & Co. Publishers, Vienna" (Verlag und Eigenthum von ARTARIA & Cо in Wien)
  • The plan of the city’s territory is interrupted in its lower part by a white field, bearing the inscription "Russian Empire" (Russisches – Kaiserreich).
  • The upper right corner holds the plan's measurement scale "Scale: 400 Viennese klafters; Viennese inch equals 150 Viennese klafters" (Maasstab von 400 Wiener Klafter der Wiener Zoll gleich 150 Wiener Klafter).
  • At the bottom of the map is the measurement scale for borderland territories, "Scale: 1 Eastern Mile equals 2 ½ Viennese Inches" (Maastab 1 öst Meile gleich 2½ Wiener Zoll).
  • "Galician Suburb, I-st quarter" (Halitcher Vorstadt, І-tes Viertel).
  • "Cracow Suburb, II-nd quarter" (Krakauer Vorstadt, ІІ-tes Viertel).
  • "Żółkiew/Zhovkva Suburb, III-rd quarter" (Zolkiewer Vorstadt, ІІІ-teі Viertel).
  • "Brody Suburb, IV-th quarter" (Broder Vorstadt, IV-tes Viertel).

Characterization of the map:

  • The plan was executed using lithographic techniques.
  • The plan only shows part of the city territory.
  • Quarter boundaries are not delineated.
  • Quarter names and numbers are inscribed directly on the plan.
  • Buildings’ street numbers are not provided.
  • All object names on the plan are provided in the German language.

Map's toponymics:

The toponymics include appr. 230 objects. All names are inscribed directly on the plan, next to corresponding objects.

  • Administrative buildings: (10).
  • Street and road names: Gasse (78), Strasse (2), Stadtstrasse (1).
  • Square names: (18).
  • Hydronyms: (5).
  • Sacred buildings: (27).
  • Medical institutions: (2).
  • Military buildings: (20).
  • Horonyms: (4).
  • Breweries: (2).
  • Elevations: (2).
  • Parks: (1).
  • Markets: (3).
  • Gardens: (2).
  • Maintenance buildings: (3).
  • Miscellaneous: (6).

List of publications that include the present map:

  • Architektura Lwowa XIX wieku. Krakow. 1997. Plany miast, il. 3.
  • Czerner Olfierd. Lwów na dawnej rycinie i planie. Wrocław, 1997, p. 175

Inconsistencies and inaccuracies on the map:

  • The building of the Trinitarian Monastery had been destroyed in the bombing of 1848, therefore the plan's inclusion of the University (No. 9 on the map) is a mistake.
  • The City Park ("Post-Jesuit Park") is marked as "Sophien Garten".
  • The plan omits the monument to Hetman Stanisław Jabłonowski on the "Hetman's Bulwarks" (Wały Hetmańskie, marked as Untere Stadtstrasse on the map).
  • The Neue Welt Gasse ("Nowy Swiat", now 32 – 34, Stepana Bandery St.) does not have the St. Theresa Establishment, which was constructed in 1862. [29] p. 28.

Characterization of the city:

The plan reflects the urban space of the early 1860s. Among the most important urbanistic changes from the mid-1850s were construction of the Citadel (1852-1854), construction of the railway station, and establishment of a railway connection between Lviv and Cracow (1861), construction of the Invalids' House, and laying of the surrounding park (1855-1863).

The population of the city was 76,398 as of 1863. Population figures reached the 70 thousand mark sometime in 1857 [20], p. 114.

As of 1855, the city had 2,734 buildings. Urban development was marked by intensive construction from the late 1840s onwards, with many multi-storeyed buildings constructed, and many buildings renovated. Construction activity slowed down over the period from 1851 to the late 1860s. [20], p. 31.

Entry by: Serhii Tereshchenko
Translated by: Pavlo Hrytsak

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