- ID:
- 34469
- Place
- Sokal
- Date:
- 1918
- Collection
- Austrian War Archive
- Source
- GIh 642-5
- Copyright
- Austrian War Archive, Vienna
- Description
Map of the city and its environs drawn for military uses, detailing all buildings, streets and roads, cemeteries, etc., with an emphasis on showing objects of military use.
- The central part of the map holds the name: “Map of Sokal” (Plan von Sokal) and map key.
- Below this is a note to the effect that the map was drawn in the course of a military survey (Aufgenommen von k.u.k Kriegsvermessung № 4 Vermessungsstelle 1/4).
- The top part holds the inscription saying that the map is “For military personnel use only” (Nur für militärischen Dienstgebrauch).
- The top right part holds a stamp mentioning the date: “K. V. No. 4... Supplement to Monthly Report for February 1918”
(K. V. № 4... Beilage zum Monatsbericht für Februar 1918). - The top left part of the map holds the windrose.
- The lower part of the map provides information on the distinctions between marking of civilian or military objects (Einrichtungen der Zivil - Verwaltung sind durch z. hinter dem Namen kenntlich gemacht. Militärische Einrichtungen sind durch D. (deutsch) oder Ö. (öster.-ung.) kenntlich gemacht).
- The measuring line with the scale is provided at the bottom (Ungef: Maßstab 1:4000).
- The right side of the map provides a list of 57 names of objects marked on the map in Arabic numerals.
- The lower left part of the plan contains a list of 11 institutions in the territory of the train station.