- ID:
- 34483
- Place
- Lviv
- Date:
- 1871
- Collection
- Ryszard Hubisz
- Copyright
- Ryszard Hubisz
- Description
This map of the Royal Capital City Lviv published in 1871 was intended to help inform the public of changes in street and square names.
The map was funded by the Karol Wild Bookstore in Lviv.
- In the upper left corner is the name: “Map of the Royal Capital City Lviv with New Names of Streets and Squares. 1871” (Plan kr. stol. miasta Lwowa z uzwględnieniem nowych nazw ulic i placów. 1871).
- Beneath the name is the fractional (Rozmiar 1=100) and graphic depiction of the map’s scale and the name of the publisher “Property of Karol Wild in Lviv” (Nakład i własność Karola Wilda we Lwowie).
- On either side of the map is a list which contains 63 important buildings (Znaczniejsze budynki).