- ID:
- 34503
- Place
- Ternopil
- Date:
- 1925
- Collection
- Ryszard Hubisz
- Copyright
- Ryszard Hubisz
- Description
Map of Tarnopol, prepared in November 1925 by architect Maks Schafkopf’s technical bureau.
The map was printed at the Lviv-based Litos printing press.
- The upper part of the map holds the name: “Map of the City of Tarnopol” (Plan miasta Tarnopola), the publication date: November 1925 (Listopad 1925), and the scale (1:7 500).
- Below this is information on the author and publisher: “Developed and published by the Technical Bureau, Architect maks Schafkopf, Tarnopol, 17 Kopernika St.” (Opracowany i wydany przez Biuro techniczne: Architekt budowniczy Maks Schafkopf, Tarnopol, ul. Kopernika, 17).
- The lower part of the map holds a list of 70 objects.
- Below this is information on the place the map was printed: “LITOS”, Lwów, 34 Lyczakowska St. ("LITOS", Lwów, Lyczakowska, 34).