- ID:
- 34525
- Place
- Lviv
- Date:
- 1927
- Collection
- Science Library of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Source
- 472 II
- Description
On this map of Lviv from 1927 Lviv’s six districts are identified along with the Klepariv, Zamarstyniv, Znesinnja, parts of Kryvchytsi, Kulparkiv, Persenkivka, Syhnivka, Sknyliv, and Bilohorshcha (Levandivka) suburbs.
- In the upper left is the name: “Map of Lviv. Fourth Edition” (Plan miasta Lwowa. Wydanie czwarte).
- In the lower right is an interpretation of symbols (Objaśnienie znaków), the tram routes (Linje miejskie kolei elektrycznej) and the fractional (1:15 000) and graphic depiction of the map’s scale.
- Along the lower right border is the logo of the company which printed the map: “E. Romer Cartographic Institute Atlas” (Instytut kartograficzny imienia E. Romera) and the year of publication (Rok 1927).
- In the lower left corner is information on the printing: “Published and printed by Książnica-Atlas Joint establishments of cartography and printing T. H. C. B. Stock company Lviv-Warsaw” (Nakład i druk Ski Akc Książnica-Atlas. Zjednoczone Zakłady kartograficzne i wydawnicze T.N.S.W. Lwów-Warszawa).