- ID:
- 34527
- Place
- Lublin
- Date:
- 1931
- Collection
- Science Library of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Source
- 467 II
- Description
Map of Greater Lublin, published in 1931 to order of the Lublin Branch of the Polish Ethnographic Society.
The map was developed by the Regulations Bureau of the Mayor’s Office of Lublin, and printed at B. Wierzbicki’s graphics establishment in Warsaw.
- The upper left part of the map holds the title: “Map of Greater Lublin” (Plan wielkiego miasta Lublina) and the city coat of arms.
- Below is the scale bar with the numerical scale (1:15 000), and an explication of map symbols: “Public buildings given in black. Red dotted lines signify bus routes, circles signify stops.” (Budynki publiczne wypelniono czarno. Linje czerwone kropkowane oznaczają drogi autobusowe, koleczka – przystanki).
- The lower left corner contains information about the society that sponsored the publication: “Edition and printing funded by the Polish Ethnographic Society in Lublin” (Wydano nakładem Polskiego Towarzystwa Krajoznawczego Oddziału w Lublinie).
- The middle lower part of the map holds information on the printing: “W. Wierzbicki and Co. Graphics Establishment, Warsaw” (Zakł. Graf. B.Wierzbicki i S-ka, Warszawa).
- The lower right corner holds information on the map’s authors: “Developed by the Regulations Bureau, Mayor’s Office of the city of Lublin” (Opracowany przez biuro regulacji magistratu m. Lublina).