- ID:
- 34553
- Place
- Warsaw
- Date:
- 1939
- Collection
- Science Library of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Source
- 2645 II
- Description
Map of the Capital City of Warsaw, 1939, with a detailed schematic map of the central part of the city. The map contains horizontal lines marking absolute heights.
- The upper part of the sheet holds the title: “Map of the Capital City of Warsaw” (Plan miasta stołecznego Warszawy).
- The upper right corner holds a map of the central part of the city.
- The right part of the map holds the trademark of the organization that prepared the map for printing: “Professor E. Romer’s Cartographical Institute ‘Atlas” (Instytut kartograficzny prof. E. Romera Atlas).
- Below is the scale and the measuring line, with a note to the effect that the scale does not pertain to street widths (Podziałka 1:25 000. Podziałka nie odnosi się do szerokości ulic).
- The map key is placed under the measuring line.
- The lower right corner contains information on the map’s publisher: “Ksiaznica-Atlas Joint Stock Company, Lviv, 12 Czarnieckiego St.; Warsaw, 41 Ujazdowskie Alley. Printed at the Graphical Offices of the Ksiaznica-Atlas Joint Stock Company, Lviv, 20 Gen. Rozwadowskiego St.” (S.A. Książnica-Atlas, Lwów, Czarnieckiego 12; Warszawa, Al.Ujazdowskie 41. Odbito w Zakładach Graf. S.A. Książnica-Atlas. Lwów, Gen. Rozwadowskiego 20).
- The lower part of the sheet bears the name of the publisher: “Publisher Ksiaznica-Atlas JSC” (Wydawnictwo S.A. Książnica-Atlas).
- The lower left corner holds a copyright notice: “All rights reserved. Printed in Poland. Copyright, 1939, by Ksiaznica-Atlas, Lviv” (Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Printed in Poland. Copyright, 1939, by Książnica-Atlas. Lwów).