- ID:
- 34563
- Place
- Tallinn
- Date:
- 1987
- Collection
- Ihor Kotlobulatov
- Description
Tourist Map of the city of Tallinn, 1983, corrected and published by Factory No. 5, 1987. The map shows district boundaries, main transport routes, and bodies of water.
Editor: O. A. Ilyina (О.А. Ильина).
Consultant: M. P. Loog (М.П. Лоог).
Photography: P. Voita (П.Войта), T. Greppa (Т.Греппа), Z. Kistera (З.Кистера), V. Salmre (В.Салмре).
Technical editor: E. Yu. Strelova (Е.Ю. Стрелова).
Approved for printing 11.05.87 Т-03287.
Printed on cartographic paper.
Printed sheet 1 (Печ. л. 1). Conventional printed sheet 1,33 (Усл. печ. л. 1,33).
Print run 144 550 copies. Order No. 245
Price 40 copecks. Factory No. 5 Б-3673.
©ГУГК СССР 1984., 1987.
Legend:- The map’s name is given on the reverse of the sheet: “Tallinn. Tourist Map” (Таллин. Туристская схема).
- The lower left corner holds the map key (Условные обозначения).
- The lower right corner holds a detailed map of the central part of the city (Центральная часть).
- The reverse of the sheet contains a list of objects marked on the map, a brief history of the city, and photographs of important sites.