Wooden Church at General County Fair, 1894
- ID: 379
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1894
The main gate of General Regional exhibition is situated in the north-eastern part of the park, Poniatovskoho street leading to it (now Samchuka street) – a branch of Sviatoyi Sofiyi street (now Iv.Franka street). The gate was built by the project of architect Zygmunt Gorgolewski by J. Gryglaszewski and Z. Krykiewicz. A street, lined by sidewalks with just planted decorative saplings. Behind the gate it forms the main alley. On both sides of the gate there are two monumental obelisks, between which there is the main gate, ticket offices and two entrances. In front of the main gate, before the entrance and behind it, there were four high masts-flagpoles with Austro-Hungarian empire flags. The symmetry is emphasized by the high electric lamp post, standing in the middle of the gate and the central alley. To the right from the gate there is an entrance for transport.