Main altar of the Lathin cathedral
- ID: 94
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1906
A view of one of the pavillions of the tuberculosis sanatorim in Holosko. The public sanatorium for tuberculosis patients opened in 1910 with the support of the Society for the struggle against Tuberculosis and its leader Professor Józef Wiczkowski. The wonderful pine forest in Holosok on Roztochia Hills at 360 meters (approx. 1253 ft.) above sea level was selected as the site for the sanatorium. The respected Riedl family donated part of their lands to the Society for construction. Initially one winter pavillion with 18 beds and two summer pavillions with 26 beds each were built. In the summer the patients were treated at no charge, while in winter a small fee was charged. Another winter pavillion was constructed in the course of 1912. In the early 1930s the institution was called the Hospital of the Lviv Society for the struggle agains Tuberculosis, at which point five pavillions were already in place. A separate administrative building housed the kitchens, storerooms, offices, a lab, a research room, a dining hall for the doctors, and a library. In the summer up to 152 patients could be taken for treatment, while in the winter the capacity was 96 patients. A bed in a three-person room cost 11 złotys, while a separate room cost between 16.5 and 20 złotys. The hospital employed cutting-edge methods of treatment.