Telegraph Apparatuses Factory
- ID: 497
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1949
<p>This late nineteenth century photo
depicts the usage of bicycles during parade drills in the Kyiv
Pechersk men’s gymnasium. Apart from the search of different ways
of using bicycles for recreation, sports, and urban transport, the
possibility of using them for military purposes does not seem to be
out of the question; the bicycle could be used as, let us say, a
substitute for the horse. There are nine bicycles on the photo. The
first two are near some grown-up men in civilian clothes, perhaps,
teachers, the others are the gymnasium students. The last bicycle in
the row belongs to the penny-farthing type (with a large front wheel,
a much smaller rear one and pedals attached directly to the front
wheel). This kind of bicycles was a precursor of the modern type of
the “safe bicycle”. Its presence may indicate that the first
bicycles appeared in the educational institutions of Kyiv as early as
before the 1880s.</p><p><font><i>Olga Martyniuk</i></font></p>