Panorama of the City from the City Hall Tower
- ID: 553
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1944
A classic panorama of late imperial
Kyiv with a view of the University main building from
Kruhlouniversytetska / Kruty Uzviz street. A big number of similar
photos, taken in the 1860s-1910s, affords an opportunity to trace
back the process of urban modernization of Kyiv, as well as that of
the waves of housing themselves. A characteristic feature of this
panoramic perspective is the domination of the majestic structure of
the University main building over the visually small and somewhat
chaotic though regular housing of the lowland. Bibikovsky boulevard
with poplars is present in almost all photos of this kind, as well as
the waste area in front of the University and the Bessarabsky market.</p>
The photo is taken from a higher than
usual place on Kruty Uzviz from where a significant view of the
University opens. It reflects the process of modernization: in the
midground we can see mostly multistoried row housing, while in the
foreground on the left, there is a one-storied mansion and an
unimproved area of the carriageway (no pavement, no specified
sidewalks etc.). One can also see pavilions of the Bessarabsky market
below and the St. Volodymyr cathedral in the distance.</p><p><i>Olga Martyniuk</i></p>