Women’s Work Pavilion
- ID: 374
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1894
The photograph depicts the entrance to the Infantry Cadets School, which at the time of the photograph having been taken was at the intersection of Stryiska and Kadetska (Cadet, now Hvardiiska (Guard) Streets. The school was surrounded by a strong brick wall visible in the picture. The entrance displayed columns, decorated by military armature to honour the heroic achievements of the Austrian Army. The trees were recently planted and thus quite short, at the time of this photograph. The <i>Hauptgebäude</i> or main building of the school can be seen in the background. It was constructed in 1898 from a project by architect Filip Pokutyński, a graduate of the Munich Art Academy.<br /><em>Mykhailo Slobodianiuk.</em>