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Female, born 1936

Collection: Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche

Oral stories

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An interview with the woman who was born in Lviv and remembers the interwar period of city life. She describes in detail her family and neighbours whom she recalls very well and compares the interpersonal relationships of that time with the current ones all the time. In the conversation, there are many accounts of the criminal past of the neighbourhood, the postwar famine in the city, Holocaust, and interethnic contacts. The interviewee recalls the first residence of their family, the story of moving to a new place and further changes in the welfare arrangements (bringing water, gas and electricity supply to the house), tells about schooling and employment. The woman’s husband is present during the conversation and joins it from time to time to give clarifications or ask questions.
Recorded on 25th July 2012 at the interviewee’s home. The interviewer – Halyna Bodnar.
Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche
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