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Female, born 1947

Collection: Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche

Oral stories

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An interview with the woman who was born and still lives in Zamarstyniv area. For a longer time, she had been working as a tailor of the women’s wedding dresses. The conversation started with the memories of her large family and her father, stonemason. The woman gives a detailed description of her street and the surrounding area: the fruit part, Poltva river, the school, the bakery. She recalls the peculiarities of religious life in the 1950s and 1960s, ways to spend leisure time (taking walks, watching movies and theatre performances), relationships with neighbours. Much of the conversation is devoted to the house that her family had been building and its gradual arrangement.
Recorded on 1st August 2012 at the interviewee's home. The interviewer – Halyna Bodnar.
Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche
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