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Female, born 1931

Collection: Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II

Oral stories

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A woman was born in the village Stare Selo, Pidhaitsi district in Ternopil oblast. Since 1951 she has lived in Pidhaitsi. She studied in schools of Stare Selo and Pidhaitsi and the pedagogical institute in Kremenets, then worked as a teacher. The conversation is unstructured and contains a lot of details and personalities. Describing the pre-war childhood memories, she recalled the good relationships with the Polish neighbours, going to the Roman Catholic church on Roman Catholic Christmas, Polish carols. The leitmotif of the conversation is the Holocaust in Pidhaitsi. The woman witnessed and described in detail the creation of a ghetto and the shootings of Jews. She recalls the Jewish family who lived nearby, the looting of their property after they were taken to the ghetto. The respondent described in detail several cases of Jews rescued during the German occupation and their life during Soviet times. The interview contains a lot of information about the post-war community: the creation of a collective farm and entering it, the detachments of “yastrubki” in Stare Selo. A lot was told about the teachers coming from the Eastern Regions and the attitude of the locals and the Ukrainian underground to them. Separate stories were concerned with the settlement in Pidhaitsi and the neighbourhood of Ukrainians from Poland and the starving people who came from behind the river Zbruch to ask for some food in 1946‒1947.      
Recorded in Pidhaitsi. The interviewer – Marta Havryshko.
Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II
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