• Schematic Plan of Lviv 2

Schematic Plan of Lviv


Yuriy Zaverbnyj
Juriy Zaverbnyj

The map is a schematic image of Lviv’s streets. This is one of the first post war maps of Lviv to show soviet names of streets and squares. The map was published by the Lviv Volunteer Firefighter’s Association. There were 15 000 copies printed.

The map’s author is L. Tryfon. It was edited by V. Novikov and P. Mishchenko.


  • In the lower right corner is the name: "Schematic City Map" (Схематичний план міста) and "Lviv Oblproect" (Львівський Облпроект).
  • On the left and right sides are ads with the following wording: "Become a member of the volunteer firefighter’s association. Strengthen the city’s fire safety” and “Remember! It’s easier to prevent a fire than to put it out" (Вступайте в члени добровільного пожежного товариства. Зміцнюйте протипожежну оборону міста" та "Памятай! Що пожежу легше попередити, ніж загасити).
  • On the right side is an insert of Syhnivka Velyka.
  • On the back side of the map is a list of street names under the heading "Streets and Squares in Lviv" (Вулиці та площі міста Львова) which are divided into four new districts: K—Chervonoarmiyskyy (Червоноармійський), C—Stalinskyy (Сталінський), Ш—Shevchenkivskyy (Шевченківський), Ж—Zhelyeznodorozhnyy (Желєзнодорожний).
  • On the back side is additional information where the map was printed: "BH 01294. Regional Printers, Lviv, Spartak 4" (БГ 01294. Обл.[асна] друкарня, Львів, Спартак 4)  and information on the author: "Compiled by L. Tryfon, Edited by V. Novikov and P. Mishchenko. Technical editor K. Hurin" (Склав Л. Трифон під редакцією В. Новікова та П. Міщенка. Техредактор К. Гурін).
  • The number of copies is 15 000 (Тираж 15 000) and the price is "2 rubles 50 kopeks" (Ціна 2 рубля 50 коп.).

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