- ID:
- 34461
- Place
- Ternopil
- Date:
- 1931
- Collection
- Volodymyr Cilinskyi
- Copyright
- Volodymyr Cilinskyi
- Description
Map of the territory of Tarnopol, showing the cityscape characteristic of the early 1930s
No date is provided. The author of the graphical execution of the map was Jozef Haliczer (Józef Haliczer).
The map was published with participation of the Podole Tourist and Ethnographic Society (Podolskie towarzystwo turystyczno krajoznawcze).
- The top right corner holds the title: “Map of the City of Tarnopol” (Plan miasta Tarnopola).
- Below this is the map’s numerical scale (Podzialka 1:7 500) and information on the author: “Jozef Haliczer” (Józef Haliczer).
- The upper part of the map shows the name of the society that sponsored the publication: “Podole Touristical and Ethnographic Society” (Podolskie towarzystwo turystyczno krajoznawcze).
- The lower part of the map holds information on where the map was printed: “Graphical Establishment ‘Polish Library’ in Bydgoszcz” (Zakł[ad] Graf[iczny] "Biblioteka Polska" w Bydgoszczy).