Videos and films
- ID:
- 19284
- Date:
- 1971
- Genre:
- TV Newsreels (16 mm film)
- Technique:
- 16 mm film
- Color:
- black and white
- Audio:
- Missing
- Producers:
- Lviv Regional TV Company
- Collection
- State Archives of Lviv Region
- Collection call number:
- 2152
- Copyright:
- Lviv Regional TV Company, State Archives of Lviv Region
- Tags:
- tank, ruin, warrior, joy, triumph, victory, celebrations, train, meeting, bouquet, flag, tree, spring, bee, flowering, October, young man, pioneer, honor, honor guard, memorial, eternal fire, coat of arms, grave, procession, military, laying of wreaths, officer, general, sculpture, torch, sculptor, model, monument, bas-relief