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Female, born 1951

Collection: Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche

Oral stories

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An interview with the inborn resident of Zamarstyniv area who graduated from the University of Economics and worked in a research laboratory. Her house had been destroyed during World War II, and later her parents built a new one. The woman describes the welfare and everyday life of her family, neighbourhood, city, region, religious and cultural traditions peculiar to Lviv of that time. The conversation goes about the process of building neighbourhoods and one’s own house, mutual help and trust among neighbours, and relationships between representatives of various ethnic groups, in the school and working environment in particular.
Recorded on 1st August 2012 at the interviewee’s sister’s home. The interviewer – Halyna Bodnar.
Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche
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