Біля історичного музею імені Дмитра Яворницького
- ID: 54922
Volodymyr Havshchuk shared some materials of his grandfather Marko Zalizniak kept in his family to be digitalized.
The first part includes seven glass plates made during the Dniprobud archeological expedition where Marko Zalizniak participated as a photographer in 1931. He was invited to the expedition by a historian Dmytro Yavornytskyi. During the expedition, Marko Zalizniak took photos of the Dnipro River banks, archeological excavations, everyday lifestyles of local communes and Soviet state-run farms, and also of local residents, such as from the village of Vovhiny where they were accommodated with a team of archeologists. The collection includes not all of those storylines but also some private footage.
The emulsion in the negative matrixes is badly preserved, some of them are damaged.
Part two includes eighteen photographic negatives of large size and photocopies of glass plates on the film from the 1930/1940’s.
Part three includes ninety-one shots from the private 35 mm films from the 1960/1970’s. Theme- based, they are about the trips to Dnipro (former Dnipropetrovsk), trips to Kyiv, leisure time with family and friends in a hamlet of Romanivka; there are some portraits of Marko Zalizniak.