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Male, born 1931

Collection: History of One Street

Oral stories

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Interview with the orchestra conductor, who spent his youth and student years in the apartment on Bohomoltsia Street with his parents. The narrator recalls apartment interior, his former neighbor, with whom he interacted mostly. Referring to her, he tells the stories about former residents of the house and compares the present appearance of the street with the one in the past. The narrator implies that his family had moved to this house because of its quiet location, as far as it was the risk for all family members to be repressed in Soviet times.
The conversation is full of historical details about the street, which the narrator researched by himself. Ourside noise, distant speech and music can be heard on the recording. Apparently, it was performed before or after the concert or rehearsal, near the narrator's workplace, on April 24, 2010. Interviewer – Halyna Bodnar.
History of One Street
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