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Male, born 1935

Collection: Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche

Oral stories

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An interview with the resident of Pidzamche who worked all his life as a driver. The man comes from a village in Ternopil region and moved to his aunt in Lviv in 1947. He gives a general description of places where he lived (the aunt’s, the wife’s and the new apartments) without going into much detail, recalls social and welfare challenges peculiar to postwar Lviv, tells about the way to spend leisure time. The interviewee devotes most attention to the comparison of the everyday life of that time and today.
Recorded on 5th July 2012 in the yard next to the interviewee’s home. The interviewer – Natalia Otrishchenko.
Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche
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