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Female, born 1949

Collection: Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche

Oral stories

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An interview with the resident of Volynska street born in Lviv. Her parents moved to Lviv from Kharkiv after the war and bought an apartment from the Poles. The woman describes in detail the history of her family and shares childhood memories of life in Rohatka. Besides memories of her family, the woman eagerly tells about neighbours, especially the friend of her grandmother and the woman who worked in the pharmacy and happily reached out to help. Despite the bad reputation of Rohatka, the woman recalls it with warmth and pleasure. In addition to the peculiarities of the local landscape (the garden, the street where she played with other children), the woman vividly depicts the specifics of life at that time. She also tells about the culture and entertainment in Lviv of that time, attending Houses of Culture, theatres and cinemas. The interviewee reflects on culture and shares her views on the traits people should appreciate in each other.
Recorded on 15th August 2012 at the Center for Urban History. The interviewer – Halyna Bodnar.
Search for Home: Experience of Postwar Pidzamche
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