• Topography of Leopolis City with Surrounding Subburbs 2

Topography of Leopolis City with Surrounding Subburbs


Austrian War Archive
GIH 370
Austrian War Archive, Vienna

The map is a schematic depiction of the city and its environs, drawn by Cadet Jean Doetsch in 1770, on the basis of his observations of the city.

Some reprints of this map indicate that it was drawn in 1750, which is a mistake most likely made during reproduction of the map [11], p. 10.

The map was likely drawn without approval from the magistrate, for use in the event of an attack on the city [11], p. 10.


  • The upper right corner of the map provides the name, "Topography of the City of Leopolis with Adjacent Suburbs, circa 1770" (TOPOGRAPHIA Urbis Leopolis cum suis adiacentibus Suburbis, circa A 1770).
  • The lower right corner holds the name and military rank of the map's author (Fait par Jean Doetsch Cadet Enseigne).
  • The upper left corner holds the wind rose.
  • The lower left corner holds a map of the High Castle, under the name "Delineation of the Fort" (Delineatio Arcis), drawn on a 1:120 scale (MaaSstab zum Plan 1=120).
  • The right side of the map holds a place name index, which includes 106 different objects (Nomina Locorum).

Map characterization:

  • The map is drawn using the technique of color lithography.
  • The map does not provide city district limits.
  • Names of all objects on the map are provided in Latin.

Map toponymics:

  • Administrative buildings: (1).
  • Streets and roads: (12).
  • Cemetaries: (1).
  • Hydronyms: (9).
  • Horonyms: (2).
  • Dairies: (2).
  • Palazzoes: (18).
  • Miscellaneous: (5).
  • Gardens: (4).
  • Sacred buildings: (55).
  • Hills: (4).
  • Fortifications and military structures: (16).
  • Brick-kilns: (5).
  • Hospitals: (3).

Inconsistencies and inaccuracies on the map:

  • The configuration of fortifications (walls, ditches, bulwarks) on the map has the shape of a proper quadrangle, which did not correspond to their real configuration [11], p. 9.
    - The northern side of the defensive walls was concave, and roughly echoed the curve of today's Lesi Ukrainky Street;
  • The hydrography of the map is schematic [11], p. 9.
  • The map distorts the direction of the streets [11], p. 9.
  • Today's S. Bandery St. is depicted as running too close to St. George's Cathedral.
  • The church of Our Savior is marked in place of the Church of St. Paraskeva Piatnytsia.

Characterization of the city:

The plan provides a schematic depiction of the city space on the eve of significant urban transformation, which began after Lviv was taken by the Austrian forces in 1772. The map presents the downtown part, surrounded by walls, and the irregular construction of the surrounding territories, dominated by churches, monasteries, and palazzos. 1770 was a memorable year for Lviv, because of the large flood, which lasted from January until June [9], p. 274.

City population, according to a survey conducted in 1773, was around 23 thousand people [19], p. 35.

Approximate data as to the number of buildings is only available for 1790. Based on a report by a scientist and traveller then visiting the city Baltasar Hacquet, there were around 2,759 buildings in the city at the time of the map's publication [19], p. 30.

Entry by: Serhii Tereshchenko
Translated by: Pavlo Hrytsak

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