Military Barracks
- ID: 2416
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1899
The photo shows the corner of Austriaplatz (P. Ghica Voda, Soborna pl.) and Rathausstrasse (Str. Regina Maria, vul. Tscherwonoarmijska) as seen from the Austria Platz. Down the Rathausstrasse the tower of the Town Hall can be seen. <br />The low building on the left corner belongs to the first generation of stone buildings in Chernivtsi, dating back to the first half of the 19th.c. and has been replaced by an appartment building in the meantime. <br />The trees on the right side belong to the so called Franz Joseph’s park on the eastern end of the Austriaplatz. The square was not only a popular market place but also used by circuses and as a fairground. <br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>