Water Tower
- ID: 2413
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1900-1914
The postcard shows the Kavalleriekaserne (barracks of the cavalry). They were built in 1896 in Siebenbürgerstrasse (Str. Transilvaniei, vul. Holovna), south of the general hospital. The barracks were home to the Dragoner regiment and in the time between the wars to the Rosiori nr. 11. <br />On this postcard, the German words “Cavalleriecaserne” and “Gruss aus Czernowitz” have been covered with paper and rewritten by hand. It is quite possible that the postcard was sold after the First World War when German inscriptions had to be removed or changed to Romanian language.<br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>