Construction work on Goethe Str.
- ID: 2423
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: Interwar years (1918-1939)
The photo shows the Chewra-Tehilim Synagogue of the funeral brotherhood, one of around 70 synagogues and prayer houses in Chernivtsi before the Second World War. It is located in Synagogengasse (Str. Wilson, vul. Barbusa), the center of the so called Untere Stadt (lower parts of town), dating back to the times of the Turkish Rule. Here used to be the old Jewish quarter. There was never a Ghetto in Czernowitz (except during the Second World War), Jews could always settle all over the city. The Untere Stadt, however, remained the living quater for the poor and more religious members of the Jewish community. <br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>