- ID: 33738
- Place: Warsaw
It was the experience of non-family celebrations of traditionally family holidays still: for example, when the kids were too tiny to go to the village with their grandmother. But this year is something unique. Exchange of Easter bread in a mask, a virtual "not I am bitting you, but a willow "...." yet every dock (and 3 of them) packed an entire ready-to-go Easter breakfast for you. This included, first and foremost, one egg divided by the number of family members (for large families, it is a challenge :)), in special mini-containers, and beetroot with grandpa's horseradish ("strong" - under the black lids, lighter - under gold), well, the whole package of sausage-bread-jellies ... then clearly. And everything is already covered :). So even though we will talk over Easter over Skype, we will be at one table :)