Chasidic Synagogue
- ID: 211
- Place: Lviv
- Date: 1918
In the centre of the main square of the Regional exhibition there was a spectacular light and music fountain. The lighting of the square and the fountain with the colour lighting was made by Frantishek Krzhyzhyk’s electrotechnical firm from Prague (Karolinental), namely engineer Frantishek Yandourek. This firm’s representative office was situated in Sviatoho Mykolaya street 7a (now Hrushevskoho street). The fountain was composed of two pools – the upper one and the lower one, which was lower than the level of the square by 0.5 m. Its central part was formed by an octagonal 5 metre tower with a concrete top, which made up the bottom of the upper pool, where there were 42 water pipes. In the lower pool there were 10 pipes. All in all, the fountain consisted of 11 groups of pipes, from which water streams rose to different height and were lighted and accompanied by music. The sculptures on the fountain were made by a famous Lviv sculptor professor Leonardo Markoni. The square was lit by 102 lamps (12 ampere) and 1500 bulbs, the fountain was working from 9 pm. The lighting of the fountain and of the square was provided by a boiler-house, where two machines with the power of 100 horse powers each (Tudor # 24 consisting of 2x70 elements). The electric lighting station boiler-house with the area of 560 m<sup>2</sup> was equipped and serviced by Frantishek Krzhyzhyk’s firm from Prague. The fountain channels were designed and made by Lviv engineer Robert Goebel. Light and music fountain was situated between the two main restaurants of the Regional exhibition – <strong>Zogelmann’s</strong> and <strong>Baczyński’s</strong>; next to them French restaurant and <strong>Ważny</strong>’s café were situated, and opposite there was a confectionery, belonging to a Przemysl confectioner Scholz, built in a Moresque style by architect Gorgolewski’s project