Wedding, Kramatorsk
- ID: 48052
- Place: Kramatorsk
On the porch. Kremenchutskyi Kostiantyn, the owner of the house, greets his neighbor Fedir Soloviov, late 50s - early 60s. (For some reason, the Soloviovi were always called Solovi (it means in English - Nightingales). Katka Solovei, Fedka Solovei, a kind of reduction to the Ukrainian style)
The house is located at 15 Third International St. (vul. Tretoho Internatsionalu, 15 - uk). It was built in 1951-1952 for Kostiantyn Kremenchutskyi's family (1919-1984). He was the youngest in the family, therefore his older brothers and sisters helped him, his wife's family lived nearby. The house is made of clay, plastered, that was something they were proud of then. Some photos show other yards, but the district is the same (Third International St).