Group studio photo
- ID: 48162
- Place: Pryluky
- Date: 1950
“Deribasovskaya Street, winter. I am with my colleague Nataliia Zherebina. The picture was taken by a street photographer.
I bought this faux fur coat, a skirt, and a mink beret at the Moscow Central Department Store during my advanced training courses. These are Soviet-made things. Finnish winter boots I bought at GUM (state department store in Moscow). I got the beret by a happy accident: it was reserved by a customer for an hour in the Central Department Store. After the buyer didn't show up, it was put up for sale again for 110 rubles. Back then, new clothes could be bought in the Central Department Store of Odessa, in the manufactured goods market called ‘tovchok’ or in the commission stores of the city.”
Comment by Larysa Horchynska.
This photo is contributed by Larysa Horchynska.