Students of the nurse school
- ID: 48161
- Place: Sloviansk
- Date: 1938
“It’s a picture of mom Inna Marchuk, a happy student on a stroll. Elegant black and white with dress with white insets (even buttons are wrapped in cloth) was made by her aunt Iustyna Marchuk, a very talented and sought-after tailoress. Her skills in creating clothes were immense. During post-war hardships she was able to earn and to support her old grandmother and little son due specifically to her skills She had a refined taste and great sense of style and fashion. Her dresses were so elegant and of high quality that her skills were often required by officer’s wives and other representatives of ‘elite’. Once, one of her customer’s husbands made her a present - Singer sewing machine. For years that machine was the object of her delight and the source of income. The dress itself was made from crêpe Georgette, a fabric that is more sturdy than Crepe de Chine.”
Comment by Tetiana Rymarenko.
This photo is contributed by Tetiana Rymarenko.