Family on vacation
- ID: 48182
- Place: Kyiv
- Date: 1933
"From left to right: Viktor Nikolaiev, my great-uncle (artist, worked in Berdyanskbud, made murals, decorated buildings with plasterwork); Liubov Nikolaieva, Viktor's wife (worked in a kindergarten); sitting on the lap of Liubov is their daughter, my great-aunt Natalia Nikolaeva; Serhii Nikolaiev, my grandfather (he was engaged in project engineering, designed stairs to the Serednya mountain in Berdyansk and several buildings in a hospital town); Nadiia Nikolaieva, my grandmother (worked as the cash courier in a town water supply office, then the manager in city gas office, and also in a fiberglass plant); next to her are my aunt Olena Nikolaieva and my father Olexandr Nikolaiev (worked at Antonov company and participated in the creation of aircrafts "Mriya", "Ruslan", "An-71" and many others).”
Comment by Nadiia Maslikova
1954, August 28
This photo is contributed by Nadiya Maslikova.