KNEU students at a birthday party
- ID: 48156
- Place: Kyiv
- Date: 1995
“It’s a picture of my mom in white dress (born 1921) with her friend. At that time she was studying in Nurse school at Sloviansk.
My grandfather Dmytro Solovei (born 1880) lived in a small village of Zaudayivka in Priluki district of Chernihiv region. He was a wealthy farmer. He owned land and livestock, had a house and his own utilities.
In November 1933 one good person warned my grandfather that he’s going to be dekulakised and deported. The same day after dark he along with his wife Maria Solovei (born 1895) his daughter Anastasia and son Volodymyr, who was 4 years her junior, left all his belongings and went to Donbass. All members of the family changed their name from Solovei to Soloviov(a).
Family lived in Sloviansk until October 1941. When the town was occupied by Germans, they returned to Zaudaivka. My mom worked there as a nurse and midwife. She was in charge of Health Rural post in Matsiivka at Priluky district which covered two villages Matsiivka and Hustynia
Clothes for the whole family were made by local seamstresses. The cloth itself was gathered in different cities in the USSR where villagers were selling fruits and vegetables. Clothes of my mother didn’t survive. Only old buttons and handbag has survived. The latter mother cherished and took only on big occasions.”
Comment by Larysa Horchynska.
1939, May 20
This photo is contributed by Larysa Horchynska.