"Newsletter No. 1" ("Informatsyonnyi vypusk," rus)
- ID: 52057
- Place: Kostiyantynivka
The wall newspaper is titled "Newsletter No. 1" ("Informatsyonnyi vypusk," rus), January 5, 1967.
Above the wall newspaper's title is the slogan: "Workers of all countries, unite!" ("Proletarii vsiekh stran, soiediniaities!" rus).
Three photographs show the image of the 13 Executed Workers plant (Kostiantynivka bottle plant). The newspaper encourages workers to share materials about the history of the plant's "revolutionary struggle" on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.
The wall newspaper is made of thick paper, the photographs are glued onto it, the texts are written with water-soluble inks, and the frames are drawn with colored pencils.
On the back side is likely the signature of the author or the person responsible for the publication --- "N. Yurynov".
The text is written in Russian.
The wall newspaper was renovated before digitization at the Restoration Department of the Vasyl Stefanyk Scientific Library.