Workers of the experimental shop. Lower Dnieper Pipe Rolling Plant
- ID: 5234
- Place: Dnipro
- Date: 1932
This figure shows two photographs of "innovator employees" taken from the funds of the Museum of History of the Lower Dnieper Pipe Rolling Plant (now known as PJSC "Interpipe. Lower Dniper Pipe Rolling Plant"). The lower photograph is a retouched version of the original. Unlike the original, three people in the center, have been removed in the later version. The likely scenario is that in the 1930s they were declared "enemies of the people," and this simple move was an attempt to "erase them from history." In 1927, innovation centers were being avidly discussed at the Lower Dnieper Plant. Clear division of labor was introduced, and employees' scopes of responsibilities defined. Minimum production levels were also put in place, affecting wages. As a result, productivity of work increased substantially, and salaries increased by 25 per cent on average. The innovation-based approach and the streamlined work process have allowed the plant to save 170 000 rubles. The reorganization of the management apparatus gave economic effects to the tune of 150 000 rubles. In the second half of the 1930s the plant saw a wave of repression. In September, 1936, local Party organizations discussed the Central Committee Letter of September 3, 1936 "On the United Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Center." The question of denouncing "enemies of the people" arose also at the Lower Dnieper Plant. Over the period of 1935-1938, at least 47 plant employees - mostly middle- and higher-level management - fell victims to repression. The physical removal of highly skilled cadres brought on a significant drop in the qualifications of the plant management.