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Female, born 1957

Collection: History of One Street

Oral stories

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Interview with the woman, native citizen of Lviv, who tells the story of her parents' settlement on Bohomoltsia Street. She describes in general how the apartment, house and yard looked in the past. In the same brief manner she gives some information about her neighbors. The interview comprises more detailed story of the former landlady and the former inhabitants of the house. Also, the narrator compares modern neglected condition of the building with its past and considers the changes on the street to be mostly negative.
The narrator's speech is very elaborate and literary. She points out her origin as a native Lviv resident, counts central part of the city to be Lviv as it is. Interesting feature of an interview is the describtion of old coffee shop in Lviv, which the narrator liked to visit and have a look at the antique household goods in its interior. The interview is rather informative than emotional.
The recording was performed on April 6, 2006 at the narrator's home. The interviewer – Halyna Bodnar.
History of One Street
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