Oral stories
- ID:
- 33609
- Description:
An interview with a woman born in the village Hlibiv in Husiatyn district, Ternopil oblast. The conversation started with a detailed description of the narrator’s family: the fate of her father, an owner of a cafe in the village Skalat who after the arrival of the Red army joined a Ukrainian nationalist underground, repressions, hidings, mother and children coming out of the underground, the unknown fate of the father, the attitude of the post-war village community to the family of the underground opposer. Another memory was also concerned with the Ukrainian-Polish opposition during the war and bloody massacres that crashed into a child's memory. She also told briefly about the Polish landowner in the village, shootings of the Jews in Skalat, the establishment of the Soviet government, and putting an end to the Ukrainian underground and anyone concerned with it. More detailed were the memories of the post-war village life: everyday life, education and teachers, heads of the collective farms, the fates of individual insurgents.
Recorded in Hlibiv. The interviewer – Marta Havryshko. - Collection:
- Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II