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Polyaron employee, born 1966

Collection: Industrial biographies of the city

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Interview with the woman born in the village of Matsoshyn, Zhovkva district, Lviv region. In 1984, the she started a vocational school in Lviv, from where she was sent to work at Polyaron a year later. The woman said that she worked as an operator of vacuum sprayers. She worked at the plant until 1991. The woman emphasized during the conversation that the work was not difficult and she liked it. The woman said that she received a high salary, up to 300 rubles, and noted that she could save the money or buy jewelry. During the conversation, she described the workshop where she worked. In general, the conversation was fragmentary, the woman responded with short phrases.
The recording was made via Zoom. Interviewer – Myroslava Lyakhovych.
Industrial biographies of the city
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