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Electron employee, born 1952

Collection: Industrial biographies of the city

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Interview with a man born in Lviv. From 1976, he worked in the Electron Design Bureau on television appliances on the development of special appliances for military and space industry. The man worked in the production workshop for special appliances. He described in detail what the secret work looked like. The man also held senior positions at the Electron: he was the chief engineer of the enterprise. He also worked in at the subsidiary companies, and was a chief there. He described in detail how Electron survived the crisis of the 1990's and reformatted its operations to produce transportation vehicles and cleaning machinery. The man described his frequent business trips abroad and how the plant borrowed foreign experience. He tells how the plant started cooperating with foreign companies. He continues to work in the Electron concern as an adviser to its president.
The recording was made at Karadzhycha Street in Lviv. Interviewer – Myroslava Lyakhovych.
Industrial biographies of the city
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