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LAZ employee, born 1931

Collection: Industrial biographies of the city

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Interview with a man born in the village Lany Sokolivski, Stryj district, Lviv region. Presently, he lives in Lviv. He was educated and got his first job in St. Petersburg, and later went to Lviv and LAZ. The man told about the experience of living in St. Petersburg, about how he moved to Lviv, how he got housing at Levytskyi Street. He worked as a deputy chief technologist, a chief welder, then deputy chief engineer and a chief engineer at LAZ. He told in detail about the plant, about the operations of various workshops, about the specifics of work functions. The narrator told how the "crunch culture" of last-minute forced overperformance took place at the plant and how the documents had to be falsified in order to report to Moscow. He spoke interestingly about the business trips, especially about Budapest, about the control from the KGB people, and the variety of goods that were beyond his imagination. He mentioned Perestroika and the beginning of the 1990's, when the plant tried to establish cooperation with the Renault company.
The recording was made via phone. Interviewer – Myroslava Lyakhovych.
Industrial biographies of the city
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