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Female, born 1930

Collection: Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II

Oral stories

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An interview with a native resident of the village Vorvulyntsi, Zalishchyky district of Ternopil oblast. The woman told about her family, education at school, pre-war village community, and shared her childhood memories about the Ukrainian cultural and national life of the village. During the German occupation, the woman studied in the nearby town Tovste and witnessed the Jews staying in a ghetto in the village Holovchyntsi; she recalls the stories of people hiding and giving away Jews. A large part of the interview was concerned with the restoration of the Soviet government and post-war years. The woman had to work a lot as a teenager helping her mother manage the household as her father and older brother were mobilized to the Soviet Army in 1944. The narrator went through an arrest and interrogation at the Soviet garrison prison when her family was accused of hiding participants of the Ukrainian nationalist underground. In 1952 she graduated from the pedagogical school in Chortkiv and was sent to work as a teacher at the high school of the town Tovste. The woman recalls the years of teaching, everyday life, repressions of the Soviet government and its anti-church policy, eviction of the Poles and resettlement of Ukrainians from Poland.
Recorded in Tovste. The interviewer – Anna Chebotariova.
Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II
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