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Male, born 1923

Collection: Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II

Oral stories

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An interview with a man born in the village Mali Lanky, which is near the town Birky, now Peremyshlyany district of Lviv oblast. The interviewee’s daughter was present from time to time but almost did not interfere in the conversation. Childhood memories are concerned with the family and education at the local school and school in Bibrka, where children of Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish families studied together. The narrator tells about the Jewish families in the village, their places of residence and occupation. He also tells fragmentally about individual Jews in Bibrka – their last names, occupation, professional reputation, and about the pre-war interethnic cohabitation of the village community, Polish landowners and their manors. Considering the respondent’s age, he described in much detail the establishment of the Soviet government in the region in 1939, the repressions of Polish colonists and local landowners, killing of prisoners of the Soviet regime during its retreat from Bibrka at the end of June 1941. A separate conversation thread was the creation of a ghetto in Bibrka, shootings of Jews and the fate of their property, local German administration, sending young people to work in Germany, the creation of the SS Division “Galicia”, and the interviewee’s work in Lviv during the German occupation.
Recorded in Bibrka. The interviewer – Marta Havryshko.
Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II
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