Water Tower
- ID: 2413
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1900-1914
During the Austrian era, each of the major ehtnic groups established a network of various cultural, educational, sporting, political and social organizations and associations. “National” or “People’s Houses” were built as a meeting point, at the same time those buildings were meant to express the self-confidence and pride of the ethnic group. The Jewish House on the Theatre Square was opened in 1908. Untill the Second World War it was the center of Jewish life in Chernivtsi and home to various Jewish associations and organisations. The Soviets used the building as a cultural house for workers of the textile industry. After 1990, the jewish community got back a few rooms in the house and in 2008 a small Jewish museum was opened on the ground floor. The empty space next to the Jewish House – the Jewish Temple can be seen in the background – was used for a milk hall (”Milchhalle”) or as skating place in winter until 1937, when the “Romanian Cultural Palace” was built there. <br />In 1907 the statue of the poet Friedrich Schiller to be seen on the photo was erected right in front of the new city theatre, the little place around it was named Schiller Platz. In the 1922 the monument was transfered to the courtyard of the Deutsches Haus (German People’s House) and later disappeared.<br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>