Circus Truzzi
- ID: 2146
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1905-1914
The photo shows the market on a square then called Alter Markt (Old Market). It was on the corner of Judengasse (Str. Evreiasca, vul. Scholom Alejchema) and Springbrunnengasse (Str. Creanga, vul. Sahaisdchnogo). Around 1907 the square was renamed Herzl Platz after Theodor Herzl, the founder of the zionist movement. <br />Because of its location in the heart of the lower parts of town, which were predominantly inhabited by mostly poor jewish families, the market was also called Jüdischer Markt (Jewish Market). <br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>