Orthodox Church
- ID: 2487
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1939-1944
The photo shows the corner of Stefan Wolf Gasse (Str. Lazar, vul. Brativ Rusnakiv) and Ispesculgasse (Str. Isopescul, vul. Myrona Korduby). The building on the left edge of the photo is the Kaiser Franz Joseph’s Universitäts Studentenheim (Emperor Franz Joseph home for university students). In the distance, at the end of Ispesculgasse the towers of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral can be seen. On the empty plot of land to the left the Second Gymnasium was to be built in 1904. The photo must have been taken before 1894 as the tower of the Jesuit Church cannot be seen yet. <br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>