Market on Soborna Square
- ID: 2445
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1905-1914
The photo shows houses of the eastern section of the Ringplatz (Piata Unirii, Central Square). The eastern side of the Ringplatz was and is a little elevated and was known as Pardini Höhe (Pardini height) until World War two. It got its name from the then well known publishing house and bookshop Pardini located in the house left of the first house on the left edge of the photo. That building was built in 1821 as a one-storied house, with a second floor added in 1877. <br />
The house on its right side also dates back to the first half of the 19th c. when a ‘first generation’ of stone houses was built in the Ringplatz. Only in the 1930s, when the whole building was taken over by a bank, it was raised by one storey. <br />
Next to it, at the beginning of Herrengasse (Str. Flondor, vul. Kobylianska) an empty plot of land can be seen. In 1898 it was filled with an impressive building with a little tower, known as the Haus zu den drei Kronen (House under the Three Crowns). Here, the then famous Cafe Habsburg was located. Today it houses the local office of the Ukrainian National Bank. <br />
On the square the monument of the Pieta can be seen, put up 1827, demolished 1923.<br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>