Crowd on Holovna Street
- ID: 2446
- Place: Chernivtsi
- Date: 1900-1914
The photo shows the corner of the Ringplatz (Piata Unirii, Central Square) and Russische Gasse (Str. Romana, vul. Ruska). <br />
The houses on the left side of the photo are one storied, belonging to the “first generation” of stone buildings from the first half of the 19th c. <br />
The first house on the left edge was the Hotel Paris. Around 1910 the well known photographer and publisher Sigmund Jäger had his studio and shop in there. The houses remain unchanged until today. <br />
The house on the right side is part of the eastern section of the Ringplatz. With its stucco mouldings below the windows, showing mythological scenes, it is one of the older houses on the Ringplatz, most likely built before 1850. It has been recently restored, but no floor was added. <br />
The Russische Gasse has nothing to do with Russia but was the way Austrian officials referred to the Ruthenians or Ukrainians in the 19th c. <br />
The street, built after 1815, leads to the church of the Greek-Catholic faith, the so called Uniates. The street is one of very few which kept its historic name until today.<br /><em>Helmut Kusdat</em>